WhatsApp: 5 biggest new features that WhatsApp rolled out in 2023

WhatsApp: 5 biggest new features that WhatsApp rolled out in 2023
WhatsApp: 5 biggest new features that WhatsApp rolled out in 2023


2023 saw WhatsApp — the popular messaging app — unleash a wave of new features, aiming to make chats more efficient, expressive, and even private. Here are the top 5 features which came to WhatsApp in 2023
Edit messages finally on WhatsApp
Almost everyone of us has sent a typo-riddled message or something that you wished to change. WhatsApp’s “Edit Messages” feature grants you a 15-minute window to tweak your sent texts, fixing typos or adding missing information. No more awkward follow-up messages or frantic explanations as this was perhaps the biggest feature to come to WhatsApp in 2023
Chat Lock: Keep your chats private
Chat Lock lets you password-protect specific conversations, adding an extra layer of security for sensitive messages. Say goodbye to leaving your phone unattended with chills down your spine – now, only authorised fingerprints or face IDs unlock those secret conversations.
Multiple devices, one WhatsApp
Juggling work and personal phones used to mean sacrificing WhatsApp convenience. Multi-device support finally arrived, allowing you to seamlessly use your WhatsApp account on up to four devices simultaneously. Whether it’s your laptop at work or your tablet at home, the feature allows you to stay connected to all your chats without constantly switching phones.
HD photos and Voice Status
For years, WhatsApp struggled to get the picture quality of shared content correct. However, in 2023, the option to share images in HD resolution finally arrived. There was also voice status updates let you share your thoughts or express yourself in a more personal way.
Community Chats
WhatsApp expanded its reach beyond one-on-one and group chats with the introduction of Communities. These larger, centralised platforms allow for discussions on broader topics, bringing together like-minded individuals or fostering collaboration within organisations.
These are just some of the features that arrived on WhatsApp in 2023. With its focus on privacy, convenience, and richer communication, the platform continues to be the go-to messaging tool for millions.


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